Colour me Beautiful by Carole Jackson, was published over 35 years ago. This book not only sold millions of copies but it started a colour revolution-people wanted to know about colour and which seasonal palette they belonged to. With the popularity of fashion  & style shows and more recently the influx of fashion and style blogs colour is still one of the most important factors in fashion. Understanding how colour works, what colours look good on you will not only save you money but it has the ability to make you feel and look better.

“In the cosmetics and fashion industry, color analysis, also called skin tone colormatching, personal color or seasonal color, is the process of finding colors of clothing and makeup to match a person’s skin complexion, eye color, and hair color “source Wikipedia

I always explain to clients that having a colour analysis is the best place to start when you are considering updating your image, updating your wardrobe or having a closet audit. The goal with a seasonal colour analysis is to find your colouring’s level of intensity – based on the most obvious characteristics of your colouring. This is done through a draping process. When you are aware of your best colours you will have the ability to create a wardrobe that is best suited to you and your lifestyle.

The benefits of having your seasonal colours done:

  • can make you look younger and healthier
  • help you save money by avoiding purchases that do not work for you (also will explain why some of your existing items are not working for you)
  • help you understand the power of colour and which colours you should consider wearing for different occasions (job interviews, dates, meetings, speaking engagements etc)
  • provides a framework in which you can build a wardrobe that works together
  • showing you colours that are harmonious with your skin tone that you may have not previously considered
  • provide you with strategies to work with existing garments that are not your “colour” but still love and want to wearcolourblog2

The colour analysis process is meant to be enlightening, not limiting. As with most people, I too have some great items in my wardrobe that are not “deemed” to be my colour.  My personal colours fall within the “summer” palette (cool-muted), therefore the warm shades are not colours that are harmonious with my skin tone. So how do you wear those items/colours? This is when you introduce accessories that are in flattering colours ( fabrics & metals) and wear them close to your face. For women, choosing the proper cosmetics can also make a colour work, try changing up your lip colour!colourblog6

I have this sheepskin jacket in a cognac colour, it is clearly not my best colour but I love the warmth and richness it offers, not to mention it is a  refreshing change and alternative to the grey and black colour coats I tend to migrate towards. My favourite way of making this colour and coat work …adding a scarf…and of course, having a few options never hurt either!colourblog8

Are you a believer? If you want more information on a personal colour analysis and how it can help, please leave a comment or email me. Watch out for the upcoming colour analysis spring special by following me on Instagram and facebook.

“The best colour in the whole world is the one that looks good on you.” Coco Chanel